

问:求论文摘要 专业汉译英 着急啊!!!!
  1. 答:TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem, TSP), is a kind of classic NP hard problem. Delivery of pany generated TSP phenomenon, an improved ant colony algorithm, tree traversal algorithm of two classical algorithms start with an
  2. 答:The business problem (Traveling Salesman Problem , TSP) journeying, is a kind of the TSP phenomenon that the classical NP troublesome problem produces specifically for the pany delivers goods , start with one kind of ant group algorithm , tree ergodic algorithm improving two kinds classics algorithm, basal principle having summarized this two kinds method, the TSP problem elicitation method algorithm has reached and algorithmic superior or inferior rank has carried out analysis parison on this three kinds in reality to have brought forward new finding the solution of a kind of
  3. 答:TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem, TSP), is a kind of classic NP hard problem. Delivery of pany generated TSP phenomenon, an improved ant colony algorithm, tree traversal algorithm of two classical algorithms start with an overview of the basic principles of these two methods, a new inspiration for solving TSP problems type algorithm. Obtained, and in reality the merits of these three algorithms are analyzed pared
  1. 答:评价的方法很多,比如说主成分分析,AHP,模糊综合评价的等等。做这类论文时首先要确定评价的指标体系,再摸中意义上讲,这个步骤也是很有挑战性的,因为要考虑的哪些指标以这个评价的结果相关,而且这些指标数据的获取有时候也是有一定的难度的。其次就是应用评价的方法进行相关数据的处理,当然,不同的评价方法对数据的处理方法也是有很大的差距的。这个过程可以用到相应的统计或者数学软件,比如Matlab,Spss(有时用到excel),进行处理,减少了大量的计算量。最后还可以对论文进行相应的改进。
  1. 答:软件工程导论(第六版).ppt免费下载
  2. 答:你好,请给我一个邮箱,我给你发送一些文章,这些文章都是关于第五题:5论软件质量控制的,是上图书馆资源数据库搜索的。
    《软件质量控制技术的研究与应用 》
    知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌
  3. 答:我晕,安工大的吧!?而且还是软3的吧!?我靠····
